Sharing my story resets all my vibes and indeed is a great way of gaining some positive energy and also contributes to ease of reducing stress and preserve a healthy mind. Example in my real story is one day i was too depress with my finance matter because i was in financial problem. After i reset as "I have more than RM100 in my bank balance" , in the evening my aunty bank in me RM150 for my personal use. I feel so glad to use this reset method into my life.
Here is my story!
Before using this reset app, I was struggling with anxiety with finance, family and relationship issues. As I practice to use this reset app, I wanted to change my negative thinking, which it did! The Reset App helped me to change my attitude and actions in many areas of my life. It also helped me to deal with almost every situation in life and keep a positive outlook in life.
Hello. My name is Maisarah (aka CikBedah in the Reset App). I would like to share my experience in using this reset button.I am a mother of four kids aged 9, 6, 3 and 11 months. Every day I will need to send my 3 younger kids to their nursery while my husband will send my first kid to school on his way to the office. Every morning, after he leaves to work, it would be a chaotic moment for me. Even though sometimes he helps me to prepare things like the school bags, waking up the kids, but I always have challenges to prepare breakfast, and sometimes managing the moment when the kids (especially the last 2) started to act up and become so clingy in the morning. That had caused me to stop doing my morning chores just to attend to them, which eventually will lead to me being late to nursery, and office, traffic congestion and many other negative effects. It is like a domino's effect.Well, thanks to the Reset App, I managed to have a more harmonious and calmer mornings. Every morning, I will always imagine the kids becoming more cooperative, wake up happily and less morning dramas. Sending positive vibes to them.
Then I realised that I started to wake up early, prepare things early, my kids are being so cooperative and we even have a wonderful journey to the nursery with lots of joy and laughter (as compared to previously when it was full of tears and madness and negative energy. So not a good morning start, I know). Even if I woke up a bit late and didn't manage to prepare proper breakfast for them, we will still have wonderful journey to the nursery. That's a huge change for us. The kids become so happy and are enjoying their time at school too. I am becoming a better mother too. We always have a good chat and I manage to understand my kids better.Sometimes, when I am feeling under the weather, my husband will remind me to use the Reset button.By using this Reset App, I realise that writing down how we actually feel and what we really want, will make things become clearer. It feels closer and more real to achieve what we want.
So, that is all I want to share. Thank you for introducing this app to us!
-Maisarah aka CikBedah
I am a mother of 4 super kids and currently in my critical mode to finish up my PhD study. At the same time, I am building my Young Living business as a financial support for my study and family. I always feel stressed trying to juggle different roles every single day. When I was feeling down and full of negativity, I tend to react negatively to every single thing especially with my kids. The more negative I am, the more challenging their behaviour is. Most of the times, it will lead to arguments with my husband.When I started to use the Reset App, I feel that I did not get carried away with the negative thoughts. I make sure to be mindful, at every single occasion that negative vibes are coming in, I push the Reset button.
I focus on what I want and put away the negativity. On my toughest days, I can go home with the calmest emotions and react nicely to the kids and my husband. I can spend more quality time with them. I can now focus on positive things and seeing more positive outcomes from it.
During the first training of Law of Attraction in November 2018 organized by Young Living, I was amazed on how beneficial the input would be if I can share it with my team members. I said to myself that I am going to share the knowledge and I wrote it down in the Reset App excitedly. Little that I know, the impact is I have been sharing about it at least 4-5 different occasions with my team since then. I am still getting request from them for me share more about LOA until today. I am not aware of how powerful the impact of the Reset App until now. Not only that it can be used to stop negative feelings, it can also be used to attract more of what we want. I love the Reset App and would encourage every single person to use it as a tool to control our negative emotions and focus on the positive ones.
Thanks The LOA Centre for making my life better!
Before using the Reset App, I wasn't mindfully practicing the Reset concept in my every day life and because of that. I was not having much excitement with my education, scholarship applicants and my relationships with my family and friends. I was also having a hard time at work. When I started using the Reset App, I started to be more deliberate in resetting and I always asked myself, "So what do I want?" Over time, I saw an obvious shift in my vibration and I was becoming more grateful everyday. I started seeing every thing around me with positivity, clarity and acceptance. Now, I feel much better as a person and things are definitely getting better. So, I owe the Reset app a huge thank you for transforming my mindset and vibes. Thank you!
The RESET App has helped me to deliberately 'train my brain' to keep focusing on the ideal way I want things to be whenever I encounter negative experiences, be it in general areas of my life and more importantly in the key areas of health, finance, business and relationship. Human nature is such that we are so accustomed to always focus on what's going wrong in our life and tend to autimatically always give that great attention, energy and focus - without being mindful that that very behaviour will attract more negative experiences. By having the app, I am more deliberate in giving attention and declaring how I would ideally want things to be instead, he certainly rewiring the brain to focus on the positive. In the past months that I've been using the app, it's certainly made me feel happier. There were many a times that just by focusing and giving attention to the way I want things to be, it changed my entire mood/vibe from negstive to positive and I did end up manifesting the positive results I gave attention to. For example, in the area of my health, as I've been undergoing chemo there was a period when I'd found myself feeling lethargic right after treatment. This at times doesn't allow me to go about my daily routine or do what I love to do at my work which is Performance Coaching, helping others BE GREAT. So, in using the RESET button concept in the RESET App, I was very deliberate in using the app to focus on what I wanted, which was "Ideally, every cell in my body is functioning at its optimal level and I am able to go about my daily routine with ease and I have great energy in conducting my training and coaching sessions". Following that, I found I did manifest the great energy and it was made more apparent by me receiving many acknowledgement from my clients and training participants how they love my high energy and passion during my sessions. I get asked a lot the question that isn't it a 'bunch of baloney' that just because you focus on what you want, you will get it. For me, of course it doesn't guarantee I'll get what I always think about positively, but I've experienced that positive thinking and positive mindset sure beats being negative and more importantly, it makes me happier. And as a bonus, many a times I do see and experienve evidence that it DOES give me what I give attention to. So, why not give it a good shot. And the RESET app has helped it be easier to make the positive mindset a 'way of life'.
Every day every moment seems smooth, however at times encountered hot weather which gives tremendous headaches which puts me off & at times Tax issues or facing difficult people.Every time I face the challenge , I tap on my Reset App and type my story. Towards end upon tapping on share button, a sudden relief sips in my thoughts.I use very frequently even for the smallest matter as Reset App guides me towards positivity.Keep tapping on Reset App!